Saturday, February 18, 2006
  More Top Fives

The feedback - and the hit counter - after the first round of Top Fives was terrific.

One reader even suggested that Chad Finn - the brilliant blogger who began the top five phenomenon on his website Touching All the Bases - and I go tete-a-tete with our lists.

Another faithful reader wrote in to tell me he almost soiled himself at work reading the name "Pat Dodson." So many aspects of that trouble me.

But I digress.

If you have a category that you're dying for me to segment and rank, drop it in the comments or drop an email to headquarters at

Onto the lists:

Top 5 favorite 50 cent words/phrases
1. iambic pentameter
2. edifice
3. didactic
4. existential
5. Kiril Wachsmann

Top 5 favorite words/phrases by 50 Cent
1. Go shorty, it's your birthday
2. 'Cuz I'm a mother-shampooing P-I-M-P
3. I love you like a fat kid love cake
4. I dont fight fair, I'm dirty-dirty
5. Now take a look at how my lifestyle changed up; I'm on now, god damn it, I done came up.

Top 5 People I Don't Ever Want to Fight
1. Ray Lewis
2. Ben Wallace
3. This guy
4. Mickey O'Neil (Brad Pitt as the pikey from "Snatch")
5. Mike Tyson

Top 5 Guys Named Steve I Don't Want to Play H-O-R-S-E with
1. Steve Novak
2. Steve Burtt the younger
3. Steve Blake
4. Steve Burtt the senior
5. Larry "Steve" Bird

5 People I'd like to have a my six-person dinner party
1. Soren Kierkegaard
2. Chris Rock
3. Bill Belichick
4. Scarlett Johansson
5. Richard Nixon
(first alternate: Lindsay Jacobellis; second alternate: Bob Dylan)

Top 5 Best Duos, in any discipline
1. Stockton and Malone
2. Simon and Garfunkel
3. Peanut butter and jelly
4. Martin and Lewis
5. Manny and Papi

Top 5 Trios
1. Tinker, Evers, Chance
2. Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young)
3. The Kingston Trio
4. Run DMC
5. Ben Folds Five

Top 5 Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five Songs
1. Landed
2. The Luckiest
3. Kate
4. Jackson Cannery
5a. Underground
5b. Tiny Dancer (yeah, I know it's not his, but they way he plays it, it almost should be)

Top 5 Underrated Domestic Cities
1. Buffalo, N.Y.
2. Kansas City, Mo.
3. Pittsburgh, Pa.
4. Tampa, Fla.
5. Burlington, Vt.

Top 5 Overrated Domestic Cities (that I still managed to have a few cocktails in)
1. Miami, Fla.
2. Los Angeles, Calif.
3. Bozeman, Mont.
4. Las Vegas, Nev.
5. New Orleans, La. (before Katrina)

Five Athletes I Wish I saw Live
1. Emil Zatopek (won the 5,000m, 10,000m, and marathon at the 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games. Here is a photo of his wallet.)
2. Michael Jordan
3. Jim Brown
4. Barry Sanders
5a. Bobby Orr
5b. Lance Armstrong

Five Athletes I'll Tell my Kids and Grandkids I saw Live
1. Pedro Martinez
2. Larry Bird
3. Lebron James
4. Haile Gebresalassie
5. Michael Johnson (when he simply dominated the '96 Olympics)

Top 5 things I'd like to experience winning
1. the World Cup
2. the World Series
3. Powerball ($365 million this weekend)
4. an Oscar
5. the Tour de France

Top 5 Chappelle's Show Skits
1. Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories: Prince playing basketball
2. Samuel Jackson beer
3. When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong
4. The Real World (Lysol gets me everytime)
5. Wu-Tang Investments

The Next Five (because you can't just narrow down genius)
6. The Racial Draft
7. "I know Black People"
8. The skit with Dave, John Mayer, and the barbershop
9. Lil Jon meets Lil Jon (have you ever given yourself a stranger?)
10. the entire Wayne Brady show

Top 5 Bill Raftery Sayings
1. Send it in Jerome! (all-time greatest call)
2a. Onions!
2b. Sets the puppies and a little NYLON!
3. A little nickel-dimer (aka "small change, Sean McDonough")
4. With the kiss! (aka "with the smootch!")
5. And Syracuse opens with the 2-3 zone...with man-a-man principles

Ok that's this round of lists. Chime in - the more interactive, the better.

Back to the Capital N, small y, big shampooing Q (Denis Leary, No Cure for Cancer).

To the next
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