Joe Morgan Is So Unbelievably Bad It's Not Even Funny
Watching the Sox tonight on ESPN because the MLB Extra Innings feed is the YES Network and, well, I just say no to YES.
Well, ESPN has the broadcast team of Dan Shulman, who has grown into one of the most versatile and well-rounded play-by-play guys in the biz. He's great in college basketball, very, very solid in baseball, and pretty much anything else he calls.
Now, those kind of niceties do not extend to Shulman's partner - Joe Morgan.
Morgan, at one point in the game, went on a rambling, incoherent diatribe about HGH, drugs and baseball. Now, when his colleague Rick Sutcliffe goes on incoherent rants, it's usually about George Clooney, Congress, solving that thing (man), and Mud Grant. It also follows 36 holes of golf and 36 beers with Bill Murray.
For Morgan, it's just commonplace. There is a site,
Fire Joe, which details some of the asinine verbiage from ESPN's "Hall of Fame" color commentator.
And it's brutal. And it's ruining a nice Red Sox blowout for me.
But here's a slice of what Joe had to say about pitchers (of which he's not quite an expert, being a 2B and all):
"If you're a starter you have to pace yourself out there, but if you're a one-inning closer, you can just let it all go."
(even more)
"I've always said that starting pitching is key in baseball. And if you're a starter, the team is going to get more out of you than a closer because starters pitch 200 innings and closers only 70 or so. So starters give you more innings."
(I can't quite possibly make this shampoo up)
I can see Joe Morgan on the Food Network...
"You see, food is really what you want to eat when you're hungry. Because when you're hungry, it means that you haven't eaten and the best way to cure that, in my opinion, is to eat food. Food will cure hunger, I've always found."
Ok, that's about it for now. After nine innings of Joe shampooin' Morgan, I'm going to get a beer.
One. (or two...or three...who knows?)