This Might Be Old...
...but it doesn't make it any less funny.
Click here for the video.
We here at TLBR are big fans of Kelly Clarkson. And Carrie Underwood for that matter. And can't understand why they won't call me back. I mean, come on, after 89 straight days of calling once or twice or 11 times, you think you'd appreciate the effort.
But, here is a video (probably old or something) of
Ms. Clarkson hopping on stage with Metal Skool, getting shiznitfaced, and then singing with the boys.
Metal Skool, by the way, is shampooing hilarious. So watch the whole thing.
Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly, K-E-L-L-Y (that's what I call her in my letters...all of which have been unreturned, too...what the hell is a restraining order, anyway?) eventually gets up on stage with the boys and starts to do what she does best.
(no, the other thing...I mean sing...)
Enjoy Kelly Clarkson, American Idol...bombed and singing Guns n' Roses. And she'swith some other guy (whatever...) and apparently he's a singer too for some other band (it's like, so whatever...).