Thursday, March 15, 2007
  From the lofty TLBR Observation Deck, vol. 2
2:49 p.m. - Belmont-Georgetown tips off in Winston-Salem, N.C. - aka the Jesuit Bracket.

Marquette represents the Men of Others tonight against Michigan State.

A few tidbits prior to the game:
* 7-2 Roy Hibbert just got a rebound by lifting his arms up. Jay Bilas said, before the game, that they Hoyas would try to go inside. Good, astute analysis from the Bilastrator. (we kid b/c we love)

* Belmont's Rick Byrd, a 15-seed, is rocking a button-down shirt with a sweater vest. No tie. C'mon Rick! You're on CBS National! Go to Marshall's and pick one up off the clearance rack.

* Rich Gialella and Bob Adams doing this game as a zebra, with two quick nickle-dimers on the Hoyas. Wonderful. A 2-seed gets two Division II officials.

Other notes:
* I'm 3-for-3 so far today. Not that they were three difficult games to pick or anything, but at this time last year, I had pretty much lit my bracket on fire and danced around it in effigy.

* My sexy upset pick - Oral Roberts - is holding their own. Yeah. MY sexy pick. They beat Kansas at Kansas. But I claim ownership.

* The Hummer ads with the magician are hilarious. Genius.

* The wonderful folks at the NCAA are apparently charging the media 30 bucks for wireless access in the arena bowls. 30 bucks. This from the people who brought you Stanford as a 12-seed.

This from the people who call Cingular a "corporate champion." I'm telling you, I'd bandit a G-router in there and say "shampoo you, Joboo, I do it myself."

Ok, back to the ballin'.

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