Why Couldn't He Call Someone a "Nappy-Headed Ho?"
Our wonderful president is "
shocked" by
the shootings today on the campus of Virginia Tech.
And thankfully, he took the time to mention the second amendment of the Constitution - the one that was written back in the late 1790's about the right to bear arms...you know, when British soldiers were occupying the streets of Colonial America and just breaking into homes and demanding that they be fed and quartered.
(Psst, W, it doesn't really apply to people who shoot up schools and post offices...)
So he takes the time out of his busy day to reflect and react to the grossest display of violence on a college campus in the history of this country...and he basically gives his boys at the NRA a shout-out.
Seriously. One guy says "nappy-headed ho," and he's out of a job in a week. Why can't this shampooing shampoohead say something similar?
Crickie...oh well, back to my migraine...
yh&os, I remain...